
Adios, Cowboy – Arc 1 – Day 35

And that’s when it occurred to me that I have no idea how I am going to measure progress/keep myself honest when it comes to editing productivity.

Do a production diary, I said. It will be fun, I said. God damn it, Past Adam, why didn’t you anticipate having to quantify progress on editing. Hold on a minute. I need to figure this out.

one eternity later

Right then, here is how we are going to do it. A standard day, from this point on, will include substantive and line edits on a single review. A perfect day will include substantive and line edits on a single review and then a copy editing pass or two on the previous review in the series. In this fashion, I’ll focus my editing efforts across multiple reviews without having to try and do substantive, line, and copy edits on the same piece in a single day. Maybe you can do that, but I know I’ll end up reading the same line over and over before going to hit the sauce in a fit of self-loathing.

Yeah, this seems like a good idea.

So today was substantive and line edits on Asteroid Blues. Past Adam was so innocent when it came to Cowboy Bebop’s need to create itself as both story and genre.

Episodes Viewed100%
Drafts Written100%
Reviews in the Can4%

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